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2024 Frank Roselli 
Educational Scholarship Recipient

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Ginevra Marini
2024 Scholarship Recipient
The first annual Frank Roselli Educational Scholarship was awarded at a ceremony this past weekend in Frontone. The event was hosted by La Radica.  The ceremony was a spirited occasion as many Frontonese came out to honor the first year recipient Ginevra Marini! 


Here is what Ginevra had to say about being selected:
English Translation

I'm Ginevra Marini, I'm 19 years old and I live in San Savino. Starting from September I will start attending the University of Urbino, at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies. I am passionate about chemistry, which is why I hope to work in this field in the future after my studies. This subject is in fact what I consider the most interesting because it allows us to look at the world with different eyes, discovering the various reactions that hide behind every natural phenomenon and in everyone's daily activities and revealing a "microscopic" dimension of our lives.
I participated in the scholarship contest because it seemed like an interesting initiative: showing one's sense of belonging to our home and the connection with it. I am grateful to have been chosen as the scholarship recipient, it makes me proud to have been able to express my love for the area in which I grew up.


Sono Ginevra Marini, ho 19 anni e abito a San Savino. A partire da Settembre inizierò a frequentare l’Università di Urbino, presso la facoltà di Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche. Sono appassionata di chimica, per questo spero di lavorare in questo ambito in futuro dopo gli studi. Questa materia é infatti quella che considero la più interessante perché permette di guardare il mondo con occhi diversi, scoprendo le varie reazioni che si nascondono dietro ogni fenomeno naturale e nelle attività quotidiane di tutti e rivelando una dimensione “microscopica” della nostra vita.

Ho partecipato al bando perché mi é sembrata un’iniziativa interessante: mostrare il proprio senso di appartenenza al territorio e il legame con quest’ultimo. Aver vinto il bando mi rende appagata e soddisfatta per essere riuscita a esprimere al meglio il mio amore per il territorio nel quale sono cresciuta.

La moglie di Frank Roselli

Grande amico di Frank Roselli

La Radica

Many thanks to La Radica for the time and effort they put in managing the Frank Roselli Educational Scholarship that helps support the educational needs of students in the local region. Please continue to support La Radica in all the great work they do to celebrate, educate and pass along the local traditions to the next generation.

Looking forward to next year's applicants!

If you would like to get involved in the Frank Roselli Educational Scholarship, consider making a donation at the link below, or send to someone you know who might like to offer support.

La Canzone

La Canzone

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Il sindaco con una bottiglia di Vino San Savino di Frank Roselli



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